The Health Action for Adolescents and Young people in Zambia (HAAYZ) 2 project is a project being implemented by Copper Rose Zambia in partnership with ActionAid Zambia. This project is aimed at enhancing adolescents and young people’s awareness of their sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) as well as empowering them to be their own voice and  actively participate in the implementation of adolescent health programmes in Lusaka and Petauke districts. The project is an extension of the HAAYZ-1 project  that was implemented in Mazabuka and Peatuke in 2020/2021. The overall objective of HAAYZ-2 is improve adolescent and young people’s access to sexual reproductive health rights in Lusaka and Petauke.

Project Activities Increasing Young People’s Awareness Of SRHR Include:

  • Distribution of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials.
  • Conducting school, community and  facility outreach sessions.
  • Advocacy activities aimed at improving service provision for adolescent SRH in health facilities.

In the month of July 2022, we have reached out to 1312 females and 886 males in Lusaka whereas we have reached out to 502 females and 367 males in Petauke . This gives a total of 1814 females and 1253 males = 3067 adolescents and young people in both Lusaka and Petauke.