The Copper Rose Zambia Youth Hub in Lusaka hosted a team from When Females Lead on the 30th of April 2022 for an interactive creative arts session. The team comprised (8) females and (1) Male in different creative activities organized by the CRZ team.
The session kicked off with an interesting introductory exercise where all the participants creatively described themselves and things they like to do for fun. Thereafter, the young people were split into groups to brainstorm and showcase various beautiful arts performances in the form of poetry, dance, music and drama based on Menstrual Hygiene, Peer Pressure and Contraceptives. The aim of the session was to familiarize the WFL team with CRZ activities. The creative arts performances from all the groups were exceptional and attention-grabbing, one wouldn’t want to miss a glimpse of the actions as the young people energetically performed on stage.
One of the performances that carried the day was a poem done on contraceptives highlighting the importance of correct usage of different contraceptives that are available on the market as well as health facilities in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies. The group ingeniously delivered a poem under a minute with all the information one would need to know on contraceptives leaving the audience in awe.

One other exciting performance was in the form of drama on peer pressure displaying how group influence has affected many students today in their academic life. The actors in the drama excellently delivered their act as one may feel like they are watching one of the famous local TV series. This group highlighted that due to peer pressure some students leave school and resort to beer drinking as well as drug abuse. As they wrapped up their play, they encouraged young people to be true to themselves so that they can achieve their goals.
One of CRZ’s peer educators, Albert Chinyanta explained that the creative arts session was worth facilitating. “The session was interactive and very much engaging, the whole session was well organized, not too long, not too short with a chilly ice breaker. It was fun and quite fruitful,” he said.

We wrapped up the day with a tour of the CRZ Head office where the young people perused through the several pictures displayed on the walls, the beautiful paintings and the entire office surrounding.
We also had a side conversation with one of the young people towards the end of the session and this is what she had to say: “This has been a day well spent. I have learnt so much from my fellow peers who attended the creative arts session. It was very exciting to see how creative each team’s performance was,” Chileshe Kapenda.
“I had an interesting and interactive session here, and I have learnt quite a lot today and I look forward to more of such sessions here at CRZ,” Mary Kilembe.
What’s a visit without networking? The session was concluded by a thought-provoking networking activity where the facilitators and the young people shared knowledge on various social issues and contacts for any upcoming opportunities.